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Love is what you make of it.

Here are my thouhgt on love.
  • Love isnt finding a perfect person it`s finding an imperfect person perfectly.
  • It takes 1 min to find someone, 1 hour to get to know them, 1 day to get to love them and a life time to forget them.
Love is what you make of it. A relationship will never be perfect, it will never be like they say what you`ve always dreamed of. A relationship is something you have to work at and make it what it becomes. If you fight right your bf or gf talk to them about it don`t just say fine it`s over, because that never works you can ruin a really good relationship that way or even a friend ship or with family. Yes! relationship will never be easy but here comunication= to succes. Love is something in life that not everyone has or will find, or even sometimes let it go or lose it. But to know in the world you are never alone and you are able to control all of that, you are able to control what happends to your relationship. If you act erational towards a situation well than you will get a negitive answer or solution, but if you look at the situation with a good attitude you can make it become anything you would like.
Your first love will always be very hard to get over and very hard to forget. I talk to my mom and she still says that she still remeber her frist love and what he broght to her life. I feel in love once before and it was with a long time famaily friend but after all I found out we just didnt not match. But now I found someone that I wouldn`t tread for the life it`s self.
But with all of this is just shows that love isnt a easy thing to be in and yes its very very easy to fall in love but to forget someone is very hard.

E-mail me at whiet_godess_13@hotmail.com if you wanna know more on my thery.