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Here just some stuff to show poeple that respect will get you  a long way and that there is so many things people look at that are over rated.

Ok here somethings that are over rated by far:
1-Makeup (why do girls need to wear makeup to look good?)
2-Fighting (why would someone need to prove something by hurting someone else?)
3-Modelling (Yah I model but what's the deal and this guys saying shit man get over it)
4-Guys and Girls (Yes were over rated because we're not all what people think we are)


The other day I had some guys talking to me and telling me Models we're just a piece of ass. The thing is he doesn't know allt he models in the world. And maybe he just doesn't know how to pick them to well. Like it takes alot of balls to say something like that when you don't even know. I'm not just a piece of ass yet because I'm a model that's what im clasfied ass, that's bullshit. What's up with that. I think it's so disrespectful because they don't even know me and they dare to say that to me. Like wow people are really getting low this days.