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Beliefs and Opinions

Here is just some things I think about  and thouhgt about charing it.

Here I didn't write this to offend anyone. it's just to tell the world know  there is two side's to everything!



Theys are my Opinions:
Yea some mit not agree with what I have to say but I would apriciate if you didn't cretasize what I say because many other people belive in what I have to say not just me so because you think something make shure to think about others thanks.
Hey here are some of my opinions and like I said before you don't have to agree with them...
-Well I belive that the justice system is always right...
- I belive that getting pragnet at a young age isn`t always the right thing to do....
- I think that people that critisize other people because they wanna be right is unfair....
- I think just because you were reased a certain way( maybe not the right way) doesn't mean you can't change the way you live your own life...
- I think that people who don't mind there own bisness are gonna get in alot of trouble later on in life.
- I think that people who push people around and bully them are all wrong just because you  don't feel right in your own body don't make someone eles feel twice as bad as you did because if you really think about it your just making yourself feel worst...
* But yea I have alot more to say...will add one sometime when I have the time....love yea people lots
thank's Nikki


Beliefs and Opinions

Here's what I think...

The world!

Here's what I think about the world...I don't think the world is all to fair but yet not suposto be...Yea we do have war and I don't think it's to ko and I ain't to kine of it. But when people aren't mature enouhgt shit this like happends. Do we really think it's fair for 100's and 1000's of people to die for no reason, I didn't think so either. Not only the war but do  we think it's fair to let are kids go to this partys that have drugs alcohol and my othere susbstances that we do not argee with and your child may be respnsible but the other's are not and yea Drunk Driving does happena and yes your  child mit not do the right think and get into to the car..and there you go dead at the age of 15 16 17 18 even 19 20. not only the good kids but would you like to see your kid in it's coffen at the age of 19 because he or she died of an overdos on drugs. I didn't think so either...Now that is what I think is pritty unfair..in the world...But hey life's life and it happends for a reason and sometimes we do not always know why it happend but hey..thank's for reading this if you are, I appriciate it means alot. Thank's!

What I belive in:
Well where is what I belive in: I was born Catholic but I don't really belive in it...I think it's pritty much all hollywood if you ask me...I belive more into nutting really..I know there a if you wanna call it "god" out there..I just like being called Athiest right now till I make my choise to become what I wanna become...Beliving in something isn't just some joke it's really serious and it's something that people ARE gonna judge you by...But hey if you ask me Athest is the way to go...No one can jugde you by that.
I am not doing this to put anyone's belifes down...it's just what I think. 
