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A life lesson....by Philip Simmons & the Story of my Aunt Diane

Here`s a life lesson I leanred one day!

Here`s a life lesson I learned watching a movie about a man named Philip Simmons with a disease called ALS...Death was never a problem for this 46 year old man. He is some one I truly respect even tho he passed away July 2002. REST IN PEACE Philip Simmons.


<------The man himself Philip Simmons.

To be clumsy at dieing is to be clumsy at living...in other words to be skilled at dieing is to be skilled at living.
What makes for a good life, we live well we must now know what it means to die well.
Death is not to scare you but to make you more rishly alive.
We know now we can`t be perminit but we wish we could be a little more temporary.
Truly hilling begin with fallier.
Hilling is when we can`t fix what`s broken.
Hilling begins when we let it.
Hilling begins when you think you lost everything but yet you find out you can lose even more.
I guess It`s time to make a journey of your own.
Fix things are our culthures obesetion.
We always look for a solution.
Problems are a diffrent realaty.
Are journey reaspons to a problem is usually because it needs more reserch.
Life is not a problem but a mistory.
Problems are to be solved and mistorys are not.
We can always let go and fall.
Mistory only want us to hand ourselves over that`s all that`s everything.
Journey goes on.
Look at what you have not what you don`t have.
Imbrasse life`s mistory`s.
Always look for the best in everything even a tooth ack, but still go see a dentist.
For thos of us in the hilling proseus we have learned to let go.
When you hil you see your highest comitments go by.
We leanred to see every act small or great.
To even pick lint of a sweater.
When hilling happends every breath you know your death.
In the mid of death we are in life.
With all the mistory pain and betrayl. But we are still fully alive.
We can let go of sofering and all that would ding us to the dimison the version of areselves.
When we do this with the way be strip we will never forget how to dance.
¤¤¤By the man himself...Philip Simmons.
To my dear Aunt Diane.Passed away October 12th 2005 in her loving home in Ottawa.

But to add to all of that, I also have an Aunt named Diane that passed away from the same thing October 12th 2005. She was a woman of great words even tho she could not speak her silence was enouhg to say it all. She lived in Ottawa and left behide 3 children (Vero(22), Julien(19) and her youngest son was born at the same time she was diegnost, and is know livin with a disease simaler to he's mother Fred (15)). A husban that was here all her life a great man himself my uncle Marcel.

Diane was known as a great woman to all whom walked into her house, like my mother had said it "Diane was able to make your stay and welcome so warming, yet us with a full phychical body could not do that same".Even tho my aunt was livin with this disease we all knew who the mother of the house was because above her bed was the list of what we were eating that night.Every time my uncle would make a desition he would always include my aunt.

 I was born at the same time as her youngest son Fred, therefor never got the chance to hear my aunt speak. She was able to communicate with us trough her eye, We would say a letter and she would blink twice if that was not the letter and once if it was. We wrote great things togther. Even tho I did not know my aunt on every physical aspect I loved her in every way. She also tot my mother alot of things about being a mother. Diane even trouhg her last years of her disease were her eyes would no longer be working and life suppot witch she had been on for 15 year or so  was still there.

My aunt will be remeber by 100s of people. She made a diffrence in everyones life that she came into contact with...Even to this day I thank to god that she was able to be my aunt.. My family and I will miss her dearly and YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN and ALWAYS BE LOVED.

But it's always safe to say, we all know she is gone to a better place of peace and serenity.

By your Loving Neice Anick.

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