well shit I have alot of quotas...
Here are some....
1--If it feels good do it -If it hurts do it again
-People say when you die your life flashes by your eyes, well make it worth watching - If something wont kill you it
will only make you stronger - AND life's a game become a player...
2--The day I die is the day I live...
3--The positive thinkers constantly sends out positive thouhgts,
togther with vital mental images of hope, optimism, and creativity.
4--All I have to do is live and die.
5--What goes around comes around.
This is about Malas that of negativaty, last week they came
from all walks of life: some in wheel chairs, college kids, dealecks, goverment officals, speeking in both languages.
Wake up it's the year 2000, we've got it all, we got to
me in bodying, yeah safe garding values such as openness and tolorance. What ever happen to the importance of learning, what
ever happen to fun, ask yourself am I having fun. Ods are your having a good time, thos negative emotions will evaporate or
maybe im wrong just maybe.
By Method
Hey people just wanted to say im not suicidal just poems I write to get my anger out of me...better
way than to fight right?...but anyways if you have a comment go back to the first page and leave me one...